About the OGTR Online Services Portal

The OGTR Online Services Portal allows users to prepare and submit notifications and applications to the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), see existing submissions from their organisation(s), and manage ongoing compliance requirements.

Services currently available for portal users:

  • Notifiable low risk dealings (NLRDs)
    • Prepare and submit NLRDs
    • View previous NLRD submissions
  • Certifications
    • Prepare and submit applications for new certifications or changes (e.g. variations) to existing certifications;
    • View submitted applications relating to certifications that are not yet decided upon;
    • View existing certifications that are current and suspended, as well as those that have been surrendered, cancelled or expired in the past 5 years.

Registered users can log in to the portal using the link at the top of this page. Once logged in, you will be able to access services from the heading at the top of this page. To register, please see below for instructions.

Registering with the OGTR Online Services Portal

To register for the portal you will need to have a MyGovID and be authorised to act on behalf of your organisation. Instructions for registering in the portal are available on our website.


For assistance with the portal, please contact the OGTR by phone 1800 181 030 or email ogtr@health.gov.au